O1: To generate a high-resolution digital surface model (less than 20 cm/pixel resolution) and Orto photograms (less than 10 cm/pixel resolution) for each fortification using drone surveys with Structure from motion algorithms, as well as to conduct systematic surveys using RTK systems to collect ground measurements position correlations.

O2: To investigate each fortification’s defense systems (ramparts and ditches) using geophysics (ERT, GPR, magnetometry, magnetic susceptibility) and coring with a motorized drilling system in order to reconstruct the stratigraphy.

O3: To collect soil samples for mineralogical analyses and organic material extraction for radiocarbon dating. 

O4: GIS will be used to compare the morphometrical characteristics of enclosures as well as to describe the landscapes in which the sites are located, and all project results will be integrated into a geodatabase that will be shared with local authorities.